- Item: Sako 308
- Open: R14000
- Area: Witbank
- Description: 308 Win Sako. Comes with Lynx scope.
Lot 337 15Jan19
by H&G | Jan 14, 2019 | .22LR, .303, .308, .375, .458, 9mm, Antenna, Army, Astra, Auctions, Axe, Backpack, Bag, Bar, Belt, Beretta, Binoculars, Bipod, Book, Boots, Bow, Braai, Bracelet, Bullet, Camo, Camping, canopy, Case, cases, Combo, die, Die Set, Fishing, Flashlight, Gas, Glock, grip, Gun, Handgun, Heads, Holster, Hunt, Knife, Lazer, Light, load, Mag, Magazine, Magnum, Mags, Measure, Monocular, Mount, multi tool, Outdoor, P14, paintball, Pen, Pistol, Pouch, Press, Radio, Rail, Red Dot, Reloading, Revolver, Rifle, rod, Safe, Scope, Self Defense, Set, Shotgun, Silencer, Slaughter, Sling, solar, Spear, Spotlight, Storage, Tactical, Trailer, Trophy, Vest, watch, whistle | 2 comments

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Lot 337 R12 000 Dawie Nell
Bid will be submitted at 18:00 when auction opens